Ghetto Games Tallinn


15. juulil, laupäeval toimub esmakordselt Tallinnas tänavaspordi- ja kultuurifestival "Ghetto Games". Festival on osa Tallinna merepäevade spordiprogrammist ja leiab aset Lennusadamas.


Programmis kell 11.00 - 20.00:


"Ghetto Basket" võistlused peetakse Balti korvpalliliiga 3x3 etapi raames kuues erinevas grupis, kus meeskonnad võistlevad lisaks auhindadele ka Ghetto Basketi reitingu punktide ja FIBA 3x3 reitingupunktide pärast. Parimad võistkonnad lähevad finaalturniirile Läti linnas Ventspilsis, kus loositakse välja reis 3x3 Laussane Masters FIBA korvpalliturniirile.



3x3 tänavajalgpallis "Ghetto Football".

Ghetto Footballi programm algab mängudega U12, U14, U16, U19, Open ja Pro alagruppides. Peale seda algab Panna 1x1 turniir. Mängu eesmärk on lüüa palli vastaselt jalge vahelt või lüüa võimalikult palju väravaid.



3x3 tänavahokivõistlused "Ghetto Floorball", 1v1 "King of Asphalt" ja "shootout" võistlus "Masters of Skill"



"Ghetto Dance" võistluses ("Hip-hop", "Break Dance" ja Dance Hall").



Ghetto Fight 

Rohkem informatsiooni: 


"Baltic Open Street Workout Freestyle Championship"

Rohkem informatsiooni:





12.00 - Official Ghetto Games Tallinn opening

12.00 - 14.00 Ghetto Dance competitions in “Hip-Hop”, “Breaking” and “Dancehall” categories. 

14.30 - Hip Hop Pop artist Krisy  (Latvia)

15.30 - Hip Hop artist March (Latvia) 

16.45 - 19.30  Ghetto Dance competitions in “Hip-Hop”, “Breaking” and “Dancehall” categories. Special guest Greazy G (Estonia)


Central octagon arena

10.00 - 11.00 Registration and warmups

11.00 - 14.00 Baltic Open Street Workout Freestyle Championship 

14.30 - 16.30 Ghetto Dance VIP Allstyles 2vs2 competitions 

17:00 - 20:00 Ghetto Fight - best Estonian and international pankration athletes 


Ghetto Basket / Baltic 3x3 League

11.00 - Registration 

12.00 - 15.30 Group games 

15.30 - 16.50 Semi finals 

16.50 - 17.30 Finals 


Ghetto Football 

11.00 - Registration 

12.00 - 15.00 Group games 

15.00 - U12-U16 finals 

16.00 - 18.00 U19, 20+ OPEN, 20+ PRO finals 


Ghetto Floorball

11.00 - Registration 

12.00 - 15.00 Group games 

14:00 - start of the 1vs1 tournament

15.00 - U12-U16 finals 

16.00 - 18.00 U19, 20+, Lady finals 

17:00 - Break and the start of the shootout competittions


Bring Your name through Your game





Ghetto Games festival in Tallinn will be a street sports and culture festival that will take place on July 15. Festival is one of the events during the Tallinn Maritime Days that will be held next to the Estonian Maritime Museum at the Seaplane Harbour.


In program from 11.00 - 20.00:

- Ghetto Basket / Baltic 3x3 League Quest Stop tournament

- Ghetto Football / 3v3 street football tournament

- Ghetto Floorball / 3v3 floorball tournament, 1v1 “King of Asphalt” and Shootout competition “Masters of Skill”

- Ghetto Dance competitions

- Ghetto Fight

- Baltic Open Street Workout Freestyle Championship


Event is co-financed by Tallinn City hall.


Ghetto Basket / Baltic 3x3 League Quest Stop tournament

Best PRO 3x3 basketball teams from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Finland will compete in the only 3x3 World Tour stage in Estonia 2023. Best teams will compete for the tickets to finals in Ventspils (22.-23.07.2023) where winners will go to FIBA 3x3 WT Lausanne.

Registration at

Register here


Ghetto Football 3v3 street football tournament 


U12 (2011 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

U14 (2009 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

U16 (2007 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

U19 (2004 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

20+ OPEN - fee 20 eur/per team (restrictions applied to football and futsal major league players)

20+ PRO - fee 20 eur/per team


Register here


Ghetto Floorball 3v3 floorball tournament, 1v1 “King of Asphalt” and Shootout competition “Masters of Skill”

3x3 floorball - is a game on a 15x10m field with 3 people from each team on the field and one on the side.



U12 (2011 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

U14 (2009 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

U16 (2007 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

U19 (2004 and younger) - fee 20 eur/per team

20+ - fee 20 eur/per team

Lady - fee 20 eur/per team

Registration and more information

Register here 


1vs1 - is a duel on a 3x3m field, the winner is determined by the number of goals. 


Fee - 5eur/per person


Shootout teams consist of 3-4 players + a goalie. Each team has to carry out four shots on the other team's goalie, and whichever team has the best +/- wins.


Fee - 20eur/per team

Ghetto Dance competitions


/ HIP-HOP 1vs1 ( Beginners & Open )



Also will be extra “VIP Allstyles 2vs2” Battle with invited guests.

Registration fee:

1 Category - 15 eur / +5 eur for additional category

For more information and registration



Ghetto Fight 

Amateur Ghetto Fight competitions will be organized with specially invited Estonian and international fighters from Finland, Latvia, Lithuania. Within 13 fight rounds you will be able to experience the best professional pankration competitions that will compete for the champions title. 

More information



Baltic Open Street Workout Freestyle Championship 

Championship will take place in all age categories that will compete for the Baltic champion title. Estonian athletes will separately compete for Estonian championship, where first and second place will further participate at World Street Workout Championship in Riga, Latvia.

Registration fee - none

More information and registration

